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Saturday, January 19, 2008

The-5 Minute Pain Management Consult

Product Details
»Book Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (01 September, 2006)
»ISBN: 0781761654
»Book author: David M Sibell, Jeffrey R Kirsch
»Amazon Rating:

Book Description:

This new addition to The 5-Minute Consult Series is a clinically oriented quick-consult reference for pain management. More than 150 conditions associated with pain and concomitant mental health diagnoses are thoroughly and concisely presented in the famous fast-access 5-Minute Consult format. Each entry briefly describes the condition and presents succinct, bulleted facts under boldface headings: basics (epidemiology, risk factors, pathophysiology, etiology, prevention, associated conditions); diagnosis (signs and symptoms, history, physical exam, lab tests, imaging, differential diagnosis); treatment (medications, surgery); and follow-up (prognosis, issues for referral). Each entry includes ICD9-CM and CPT codes. Two Tables of Contents—one alphabetical and one organized by organ system—allow quick look-up of topics.

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