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Friday, February 15, 2008

Blueprints Pediatrics Infectious Diseases

Product Details
»Book Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (01 March, 2004)
»ISBN: 1405104023
»Book author: Samir S. Shah
»Amazon Rating: 5.0

Book Description:

Designed as a quick read for both students on a pediatrics rotation and others who want to know more about the specialty, Blueprints Pediatric Infectious Diseases covers the essentials of pediatric infectious diseases that every student will need to know. Pocket-sized and practical, this book will cover the most common conditions students are likely to encounter. It focuses on the essential content students need to know during a rotation allowing for a fast, easy read. The text emphasizes pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Twenty-five multiple-choice and matching review questions are included to help students test their understanding of the subject. The book also features valuable appendices on career and residency opportunities, commonly prescribed medications, and a list of suggested additional reading for those who would like to learn more.

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